F.A. Day PTO Board & Committee Chairs



Volunteer with us! We'll have fun! 



PTO Board Members

Co-Presidents:  Angie Kim & Fiona St.John-Parsons

The PTO Co-Presidents plan, budget, and manage the PTO calendar of events for the year including fundraising events, community events, and educational programs. We work with the event committee chairs offering support and guidance where needed. Together with the Day school principal, we support parent outreach and communication. Additionally, we work with the principal to determine fundraising needs which help support the teachers and the school. We conduct monthly PTO council meetings and communicate school and PTO events via email and on the PTO Website.


Vice-president ex officio: Principal Mann


Treasurer: Amelia Oliver

The Treasurer keeps the financial records of the PTO and is responsible for the PTO's financial activities, including collecting all money received by the PTO, paying bills, financial reporting and filing appropriate government forms.

Recording Secretary: Dan Liston

The Secretary keeps the minutes of the PTO meetings, and is responsible for the keeping the bylaws up to date.



METCO Liaison: Janice Morales 

The METCO Liaison is responsible for collaborating with the PTO board/METCO community, parents, and students for all school and students and community events, initiatives and areas of achievement for the PTO community. 

SEPAC Liaison: Spencer Poole

This volunteer is a caregiver of a child receiving special education services (IEP or 504 Plan) at Day. They represent Day on the Newton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) and keep families informed about pertinent policies, resources and events. The liaison also responds to any questions or concerns a caregiver has about their child's development or services and fosters community among families of children with special needs.

Creative Arts & Sciences (CAS): Jacquelyn Perna

Creative Arts & Sciences is a curriculum-based program which brings outside presenters/programs into all grades at Day Middle School.  Programs enrich learning in Science, Art, English, Language Arts, History, Social Sciences, and Music.  Creative Arts & Sciences is entirely funded by the PTO. Committee volunteers welcome presenters, assist with set up (if necessary), and attend the presentations.


Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ): Elsa Christiansen Janairo

Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ) is a group of diverse Newton families helping our children learn about issues of power and inequality and how to stand up for racial justice. We seek to generate understanding and curiosity about differences in our society, and to work together towards racial equity.

Teacher Appreciation: Maureen McAleer

Leads our efforts to make our teacher's lives a little easier...often with snacks and meals!

Team Parents: Connie Yarian 

Helping recruit, organize and support team parents. 

Safe Routes to School: Mike Halle

Responsible for collaborating with Safe Routes to School and the Day community to keep us aligned with safety protocols.

POPS Advocacy - Emily VanHassel  

Money for the Band, Chorus, Drama and Orchestra programs! Helping to fund the Parents of Performing arts Students (POPS) program through oversight, advocating, speaking before performances, liaison with Arts Teachers and Treasurer, and doing admin like making sure the QR code is readily accessible on programs, etc.


Spiritwear Sales: Annie Nguyen and Allison Blecker 

Lead sales of spiritwear, storing inventory in your house if possible. Vendors, designs, sales plans already exist. This will also include T-Shirt Ordering for Music Festivals - (create google form to check sizes and duplicates, share with music teachers, picking up and dropping off at school) and Gift Ordering for Incoming 6th-Graders. It is not a fundraiser but a community investment.  You will work with a veteran co-chair for the first year.

Copy Room Coordination - Meredith Reed

Recruit and assign parents to work in the copy room during school hours in support of teachers and admin. Usually one parent per week.


Fundraising - Connie Yarian and Michelle Dorsey 

Lead After-School Snack Sales and the Dining for Day program of getting restaurants to donate, plus other initiatives that occur to you!

Principal Coffees: Jennine Tambio 

Coordinate Refreshment - The Principal holds 5-6 parent gatherings a year on pre-scheduled Friday mornings and someone needs to recruit and coordinate volunteers to order and deliver two coffee carafes plus donuts on those days. Volunteers are fully reimbursed.

MiniGrant Distribution- Helen Chuah Kepets and Karthik Venkatesh

Review applications from teachers and staff; work closely with the Treasurer to ensure that disbursement stays in budget; follow and set policy and guidelines; will likely be paired with veteran Minigrant Lead to start!

Social Media & Web Management: Marta Barriga and Janice Morales

Works to keep our web presence and communications running smoothly. 


Yearbook - Jessica Schiefer and Christina Abele

Create, market and sell the annual yearbook to all grades and staff.




Parent Events - Shweta Humad

Make Parent Nights happen, whether it's an outdoor gathering or a pub trivia night or grade-level or Mystery Dinner or another way to bring parents and guardians together to build community.


Fall School Dance -Cedar Pruitt and Tramy Lao with the Dance Team

Day is known for their joyful annual student dances in Sept/October. This group will coordinate communication, registration, vendors, location, police detail and chaperones.

Year-End Breakfast - Caroline Bell and Sara Pollock DeMedieros

Oversee Year-End Breakfast for Teachers and Staff. A hot meal is served to teachers around 9am on the teacher's last day (the day after students are done).

Eighth Grade Celebration and Activities - Tramy Lao

Oversee and develop celebrations for 8th graders and fundraising and execution of the moving-on ceremony.

interested in joining... contact info@daypto.org